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Once again providing you with insights into the forever viable industry that is the arts, the DRAB Weekly Digest is here to give you our editor's favourite bits of art, music, and culture that they've enjoyed across the week.



This week we share our adoration for Alex Woolley's piece "Sally's Predicament"

"I am a second-year student studying Visual Communication and a lot of my work is illustrative and frequently has an element of humour in it, either in a very clear narrative or through playful character design. I also do some animation and graphic design, as well as some 3D work. This piece of work is from the development of one of my university modules last year. It was part of a booklet called 'Time to get Miserable'. My aim was to find a bleak sort of humour for general day to day life and I wanted to demonstrate it through a simple design and limited decorative elements. "

You can find more of Alex's work over at their Instagram @alexwoolley_art!



We think these are viable:

Luc's pick:

"You Can Never Have A Long Enough Head Start" by Floral Tattoo

"If you're as emotionally unstable as I am, for example crying to every David Attenborough documentary unashamedly, then this album will be your demise! If their Facebook bio is anything to go off, "cry-eating a pizza" is a common method of consuming Floral Tattoo's discography (and pizza...) so you'd better wait until Domino's 'Two for Tuesday' before you hit play on this album. "You Can Never Have A Long Enough Head Start" is a brilliantly orchestrated culmination of Floral Tattoo's punk-meets-shoegaze portfolio, featuring catchy vocal melodies, coming-of-age-movie lyrical subjects and abrasive-tones you could only replicate using a vacuum cleaner and believe me, that is a compliment."

For fans of: The Cure, Neutral Milk Hotel, My Bloody Valentine

Summer's pick:

"Leeds Arts University Fresh Perspectives Exhibition"

"As much as I love music, I thought it was about time that I feature some art for my weekly pick again. I am the art director at DRAB after all. I’m also a student at Leeds Arts University so forgive me for the conflict of interest, but this week I’ve chosen to feature a lovely ongoing, online exhibition created by and featuring the students of LAU. First, second and third years from all disciplines are given equal opportunities to showcase and talk about themselves as artists, creating a great space to discover a wide array of emerging artists in Leeds. If you’re a band looking for an artist with a unique style to do your album art, posters or merch, why not browse the Fresh Perspectives Exhibition!"

Varun's pick:

"Intercontinental Radio Waves" by TRAAMS

"Pretty sure this is the second time we've featured TRAAMS and I should find something else to feature but I'd be lying if I said I've listened to anything else this week. Driving, melodic, and catchy, the track is just exactly what you want it to be. From the first note of the song, you find your head bobbing to the pulse of TRAAMS heart and your lips singing along to their hooking melodies as if you were put on this earth to embody this track. This track, along with its accompanying gorgeous, cartoon-like music video, has been on repeat in my house of musicians to the point that pretty much everyone has written a song that rips of TRAAMS so if that's not the best praise I can give, then I don't know what is!"

For fans of: Omni, Snapped Ankles, Ought



If you missed it last week, we've updated our playlist! Featuring music from Osees, PVA, and Dream Nails, its a masterpiece of a playlist! Listen here x


Hopefully, something in this digest has inspired you to retrain your heart to be filled with wonder, creativity, and love for life because, at the end of the day, those are the essential skills for navigating this complex life we occupy. We'll check back in on your progress next time so till then,

Stay ugly,


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