A new gang of hoodlums and brigands, Divorce Finance stampede into town and load their first single into the proverbial chamber with the appropriately named cowpunk introduction, "Django". Read further for an exclusive listen of their debut single ahead of its release tomorrow, 23/05/22.

‘Django’, as the band puts it, is “an observation of 21st-century idolatry and the infinite flow of generational disdain". In short: Divorce Finance refuse to hop on the bandwagon.
Themes of Wild-Western saloons, Soviet trench-warfare, old-timey brothels, and “life on the ranch” oscillate in a hideous-come-hypnotic manner, making what sounds repulsive at first taste become alluring when compared to the alternative. The alternative being Keeping Up With The Kardashians (in any setting other than chasing them with pitchforks and torches), revering an AIDS-denialist Fighter of Foo and admiring a short-back-and-sides, TV show gang-leader.

It was a delight, and a horror, to be able to host these thugs in Leeds for their first show live at DRAB Presents #2.
Divorce Finance describe themselves as “sleazy” and “disturbed”, perfectly encapsulating the performance of their frontman's erratic stage persona. In a physical viewing of the group, you might find yourself cringing with uncertainty for what is next to spill from their mouths or which of their limbs might jerk next. Filled with sly smirks and suggestive brow-twitches, you might even find yourself wooed or romanced, but I might be getting ahead of myself.
With those images in mind, let the music do the rest of the talking because we are moments away from curtain up. Prepare to be mystified and, at all costs, do not allow yourself to feel jealous of Divorce Finance’s illustrious swagger because your Mamma was once told by a wise Willie, 'not to let you grow up to be a cowboy'… not that sort of willy. Without ado-ing much further, buckle up and fill your boots full of Divorce Finance.
Stream "Django" here
Could this be a game of Russian roulette or do these rapscallion-led bandits have a fully loaded revolver?
Writing by Luc Gibbons
Photography by Sarah Oglesby