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Writer's picture: DRAB MagDRAB Mag

And just like that, it's the end of the year. It's been a year with lots of ups and downs but it was also the year that we started DRAB so we always have that going for 2020! One of our favourite parts of the year was being able to do the weekly digests, so we're sad to say that this will be the last one until we enter the New Year.

Fear not, though, because we still have more reviews, and interviews to post right up till Christmas and have many many exciting new plans for 2021! In the meantime, we thought we'd celebrate all the good that came from these past 12 months by celebrating our favourites of the year x


Best of DRAB's featured artists

Instead of just picking one artist, we thought we'd take a look back at some of the best bits of art that we've come across and shared with you in these past months. From illustration to photography and temporary tats to sweater vests, Leeds and beyond has had a lot to offer up to the readers of DRAB this year, and we for one have lapped up every drop of it!

Artists from left to right: Adda Páls, Steph Dutton, Ruby O'Hare, Sophie Jouvenaar, Scarlet Cranham, Boss That, Maise Shelbourne, Zoë Beckley, Stingray Ryder, Alice Nutley and Annie Hall. If you like what you see, go ahead and give em a follow to keep up with their work in 2021!



As the year comes to a close, we want to leave you with our number one favourite discovery of 2020.

Luc's pick:

"New Life" by Do Nothing

"If you read Digest 22 you'd recall my empty promise not to feature Do Nothing again any time soon so as to conceal my cringeworthy adoration for them. However, being such a fanboy I just can't lie to you when the opportunity arises to choose my one 2020 fave. So here it is, you guessed it: New Life by Do Nothing! This year has seen the 4 piece post-punk outfit release a four track EP (featuring this masterpiece) followed by two singles; each release taking a slightly different spin on the staple qualities of the genre. 2020 also saw them deservedly receive widespread recognition from the press, and whilst they didn't have as much opportunity to play live, each livestream and performance video was better than the last: most notably lead singer Chris Bailey's gorgeously personal performance of my favourite, New Life. So if it's taken me this many attempts to put you on to such a talented group of chaps, then I can rest assured you're listening to a band of this calibre! That's not to say they won't appear here again, because I'm twitching with excitement for what they have in store in 2021."

For fans of: Sorry, Squid, The Murder Capital

Summer's pick:

CLT DRP's entire discography and existence

"When I first discovered Brighton electro-punks CLT DRP, they had only six songs out. This was more than enough to begin an obsession that hasn’t ended since. I’ve subjected all my friends to their entire discography and studied about every live recording I’ve been able to find, each time totally entranced by Annie’s siren-like vocals, seemingly luring listeners to their demise, Daphne’s raw, intense energy on the drums (I’ve been trying to learn Zoom 20 for months my GOD is it difficult) and Scotts screaming guitar licks - the musical profile he’s able to create in each song with just one instrument is insane. I didn’t need to run a music blog to know these guys were going places, but fortunately I did(!), and was able to share my love for their music with our readers. We’re now seven months on from our interview and a whole album later and I’m happy to say that CLT DRP are steadily gaining the traction they deserve. I’m eagerly awaiting their gig in Leeds in January - which is being supported by Fuzz Lightyear (band of DRAB’s very own Varun Govil; dream line-up!), and am more than happy to call them my favourite discovery of the year. I can’t wait to see what 2021 holds for these guys - here's hoping they absolutely blow up!"

For fans of: 100 Gecs, Bikini Kill, IDLES

Varun's pick:

"The Treacle Trap Door" by English Teacher

"While 2020 was certainly a disaster for most musicians, some artists found great success and managed to use the year to launch new projects and reinvent themselves. One such success story is undoubtedly Leeds's English Teacher. With a string of singles over the past few months, each showing off their unparalleled ability to balance the most delicate softness with tremendously roaring power, the eclectic and psych-tinged art-rock band consistently put out unique tracks that were brimming with character. The standout feature of their discography so far, though, has to be their contribution to Come Play With Me's collection of tracks from Leeds in support of artists affected by the pandemic. "The Treacle Trap Door" brings you in with singer Lily Fontaine's distinct voice and intriguing lyricism before building into a charged moment of beauty and brilliance. A stunning dynamic and emotional arc, fantastic arrangement, and an abundance of character have left me with no choice but to highlight "The Treacle Trap Door" and English Teacher as the standout musical feature of 2020."

For fans of: Green Gardens, Kate Bush, Tiña



Usually, every two weeks each of our editors pick five songs that we put together as a fifteen track selection of the best new songs. This time, however, to celebrate the sheer brilliance we've seen from 2020's musical releases, our three editors have picked fifteen (15!) tracks EACH for a 45 track end of year playlist for you to listen to and reminisce.

From Luc, we have a janky nu-wave oriented collection of our beloved post-punk idols featuring songs from Squid, Crack Cloud and Lithics!

Summer's additions are sure to appeal to anyone who loves thumping bass and/or droney guitars, with tracks from HMLTD, DITZ and Belk to name just a few!

And lastly, Varun has put together an eclectic list filled with the brightest, bubbliest tracks to the edgiest and darkest of 2020. Expect music from English Teacher, Lice, Shygirl, and more!

Or listen here


That's it. That's the last digest for 2020. A sad feeling isn't it? With new tiers of restrictions, a possibly intense new year, and general uncertainty, it's natural to be overwhelmed with emotions but hopefully, our words over the past year have helped. We hope 2021 brings back much of what we've missed in 2020 but no matter what, we are confident that great new things are just beyond the horizon and that we will continue to grow and bring you more of what you love from DRAB! Till next time,

Stay ugly x


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